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Paparazzi is an event where students have the opportunity to craft an article on a technical topic of their choice. The article must be sent online through the provided google form. The team will select the best article which must be presented on the day of cicada which the judges will evaluate. The best presented article will be awarded.

28th December , 2023

updating soon

₹ 30

Rules and Regulations

● The article must be sent in .pdf
● Font- Times new roman
● double spacing
● size- 12
● word limit- 200-300
● To be sent 4 days before CICADA
● Only technical topic
● Ppt only for 2 to 3 mins(only selected members)

Event's Details

Members per Team 1
No. of Rounds 1

Organiser's Details

No. of Organizers 2
Phone number (Event Coordinator) 7829166161
Amina Hiba Shaikh
Shifa Shaikh